Monday, September 05, 2005
"I have been in contact with a person trying to live through this horror in New Orleans. She has been straddling the position of disaster victim and wife of the Chief of the NOFD. The suicides, the shoot-to kill-order (for humans and animals) and the stress contributed to this gutwrenching exerpt of the e-mail I just received.
'You are not alone, and even the order against the pets are affecting the local police and firefighters. Our police superintendent's house was broken into and someone killed his dog. This wasn't in retaliation to the order to shoot to kill, it was a malicious attack because of who he is and represents. He was surrounded by a very angry crowd at the river, and nearly met his end. PTS, stress, little sleep, not knowing about your loved ones, are taking a huge toll. My first campaign was for the city to provide an email or satellite connection for our families left behind. I went to several stations, local and national, and they are still sharing the same phone that isn't of the 504 area code. I have broken down so many times watching just an hour of the news stations, and another suicide by a police officer.'
Please, if anyone can get this to Josh, the other journalists here, members of both print and electronic media, PLEASE DO! There has been no coverage of the shootings that have already taken place, much less the mounting suicides by police and other emergency workers. I know from my source that one officer committed suicide yesterday (ate a bullet) after his entire family was lost in the disaster and he couldn't cope with the destruction and the shoot-to-kill order any longer. This is an SOS to the media. Without them, nobody will know what is happening inside that place right now."

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