Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jesus Christ!

In short, John McCain mixed up Sunnis and Shiites, repeatedly, in public.

USA Today's Susan Page replies, well, most Americans can't tell the difference either.

I have to admit she's right. I can't, off the top of my head, tell the difference. I know it's a doctrinal point-one believes a certain historical figure is related to Mohammed, and the other doesn't. Something like that. Kind of like Christians-Catholics believe they are part of the only real Christian church, while others disagree.

Then again, I'm not running for President. Is it so much to ask that our leader be razor sharp on such a crucial point?


  1. I wonder what is worse. This, or Hillary intentionally lying about stuff? Just about every speech she makes, she likes to lie about her opponents. Most ofteh, it has been Republicans, but lately it is Sen. Obama.

  2. I'm an Obama supporter, but I will vote for Clinton if she gets the nomination.

    That said, Clinton's manner bothers me, too. She says stuff that isn't exactly a lie, but is far from the truth.

  3. I guess it depends on what the meaning of is is.


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