Monday, March 15, 2010

Unmentionable Monday

It is Mention Monday again, and that means it's time to mention that which is unmentionable.

@Craftycmc is at it again, trying to take over the world with her blogger army, and, since it is her world, and I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut, I aim only to serve.

The power has been restored to my own homestead, to the relief of many. It is disturbing to me just how put off I was by being without power. I really should try to spend more time offline and in non powered pursuits. It is unseemly to be so connected to modern pursuits. Like, uh, blogging.

Anyhow, today I'm going to mention my hetero lifemate @erikjfisher, whom you all should follow for his combination of wisdom and funny. He is the proprietor of a sonic wonderland called WBR Show, which can be found at, a home for fine podcasts and discount fishing lures.

If you're not the podcasting or twitter type, may I remind you? Narwhals, y'all. For real. Seriously.

In addition, a very intriguing new-ish band, brought to my attention by the seriously unwell Mike Schmidt (@the40yearoldboy), Rock Sugar. It involves one of my favorite recent tricks, the mashup, but played by a real band. For an 1980s geek like myself, it's pure joy.

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