Thursday, December 29, 2016

100 Word Challenge: "Use Other Side"

[After a prolonged post election slump/pout, I return to the 100 Word Challenge with this entry, "Use Other Side," for the word "Sorry".]

I almost drop the clipboard. "Sorry," I say instinctively. The waiting room is empty, like my heart.

"Sorry." It's a child's word. It can't support the weight of regret. "Sorry I spilled my milk. Sorry I broke your lamp."

"I'm sorry for your loss," is as empty to hear as it is to say.  

I look down and begin to fill in the spaces. There isn't enough room to list everything I'm sorry for, everyone I need to apologize to, everything I wish wasn't true.

"Use other side of page if necessary," the form says at the bottom.


  1. One of the worst parts of a doctor questionnaire. Do I put everything down, or hold back so I don't sound so pathetic. I felt this one.

    (Good to see you back, Michael)

  2. What a perfect ending for this piece.

    Nicely done.


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