Friday, April 06, 2007

Half in a fog, I think I heard Fernando Vina and Orel Hershiser on Baseball Tonight downplaying the kerfuffle over KRod's alleged cheating. The thrust of their argument was "it's just rosin or pine tar to get a better grip", and "people outside the game" shouldn't be involved. Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't it in the dang rule book that you can't put anything on the ball? Even if it's rosin? Clearly, there is something foreign visible on his cap, and he rubs it repeatedly. Then he pitches, and his stuff moves in an ungodly way. Now, it has done that since 2002, and IIRC, I brought it up then. But if any rosin shows up on the ball, it's cheating, n'est-ce pas?

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