Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hots On For Nowhere

I had a really amazing last two days at work. Demeaning, Dispiriting, Depressing, and even some words that don't begin with "D". I've been in a state of mild concussion since then. I've been moving around, functioning, but not really engaged in anything much.

School starts Monday, so we've been doing final checklists, and all that jazz, to make sure we are well and truly ready. I guess we are.

We'll see.

I really believed Governor Palin was going to pull out by now-I didn't think she could survive the scrutiny. It has been somewhat amusing watching right wing commentators try to twist themselves into a pretzel to justify her selection. But it certainly appears she is in for the duration.

Hot as she indisputably is, I can't vote for her. I have explained the reasons why, and I could launch into a seven paragraph diatribe about the different reasons, but frankly, I'm just too tired.

I'll just add this:

Palin LIED about the Bridge To Nowhere. LIED. Made a statement that was factually incorrect. Congress gave her the money for the Bridge, and she spent it. That makes her "thanks, but no thanks" statement a LIE.

And the fact that this won't lead the nightly news teaches us how very, very fucked we are.

"Killing industrial quantities of defenseless human beings, whether by old-fashioned apparatus or by newfangled contraptions from universities, in the expectation of gaining military or diplomatic advantage thereby, may not be such a hot idea after all.

Does it work?

Its enthusiasts, its fans, if I may call them that, assume that leaders of political entities we find inconvenient or worse are capable of pity for their own people. If they see or at least hear about fricasseed women and children and old people who looked and talked like themselves, maybe even relatives, they will be incapacitated by weepiness. So goes the theory, as I understand it.

Anyone who believes that might as well go all the way and make Santa Claus and the tooth fairy icons of our foreign policy."

-Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

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