Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I saw a wonderful television program-Spectacle, with Elvis Costello hosting a group of musicians. They play their own songs, and Elvis' songs, and just generally talk about music and songwriting. The one I caught was with Sheryl Crow and 3 other people I should probably have heard of, and I really enjoyed it. I know Sheryl Crow is kind of, I don't know, commercial and hackneyed-but I like her, and I really enjoyed watching her reinterpret her work with Costello playing with her.


  1. This is probably one of those things where we disagree more than politics. Elvis Costello.

    I might watch it if he went on vacation and had a guest host.

  2. That's really interesting. Music is intensely personal, of course, but would you care to elaborate? Has he ever done or said anything that offended you?

  3. Nope. I just think he's one of a couple of musicians I've heard whose music is like the equivalent of what they say about Chinese food: unremarkable tunes that go in ear and out the other, not one note to be remembered.

    That is, to me. I know it's very personal.


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