Sunday, January 17, 2010

100 Words On Breakfast

Another week, another 100 Words Challenge from Velvet Verbosity. Get your own peek at her verbosity.


Most important meal of the day, right?


When you wake up with nausea and a sense of unease, and this happens every day, you don't eat breakfast. You don't eat lunch. You go without food until raging hunger compels you to eat, then you make stupefyingly bad food choices.

Then you feel sick again, because you waited so long to eat. Then you feel bad, because you made a foolish food choice that you know will make you feel bad later. So you feel bad now, and you feel bad later. So you eat more.

Good call, chief.


  1. This evokes strong emotions for me. Very well written.

    (via Velvet Verbosity)

  2. Sounds like my "every" morning. The only time I could eat breakfast first thing after waking up was when I was in Europe. Different time zone worked for my body apparently.


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