Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Phil Nugent on 2010

Phil Nugent on the New Year and Year Two of the Obama Administration

"I may not agree with everything Obama has done or will do, but I do believe that he gives a flying [f&%k] about what happens to the people of this planet during his time as leader of its most powerful country. I guess you could argue that's a low bar to set. Thanks again to everyone who, in doing a single thing that helped put [George W.Bush] in office, had a hand in setting it."

1 comment:

  1. However low Bush set the bar, in ways Obama is setting it lower.

    Such as...

    - Tax crooks nominated to the cabinet (and Geitner is STILL in his post: a tax crook/cheater in charge of the IRS)

    - Debt spending

    Obama also set the bar high with good promises and quickly broke them (also setting it lower). See his promise not to nominate lobbyists, and also to veto wasteful pork/earmark bills.


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