Saturday, January 02, 2010

Well, at least this is kind of neat.

It's Palindrome Day on Twitter.

01-02-2010 backwards is, 01-20-2010.

Does that mean I now have to everything I did today backwards? I hope not. It was painful enough forwards.


If some Sherlock Holmes nut tells you that they didn't mention Holmes' cocaine use in the movie, they did-they just came at it obliquely. At one point, Watson says to Holmes, who has just consumed something from a vial, "You know that's intended for eye surgery!" Cocaine hydrochloride used to be used as an anesthetic for eye surgery.


My son's theory is that the aliens are coming to kill us all in 2012. My response was, "Well, I guess I won't be worrying about how to pay for your college, then."


  1. Hahaha... I love your response to son, dad!

  2. Used to be? Cocaine is still used for eye surgery, but more as a vascular constrictor than as a local anesthetic.

  3. True, anonymous-but nowhere near what it used to be. It certainly doesn't get compounded the way it used to be in Holmes' day. I just thought it was a clever way to slip the cocaine reference in there.

  4. Bring on the aliens, in that case. The prospect of funding college is wayyy scarier.

  5. "Used to be? Cocaine is still used for eye surgery"

    One of the major eye doctors in my town was busted for cocaine crime. Well... now I know why.


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