Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh, Grow Up.

Really? Hallmark is removing same sex greeting cards?

Way to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, guys.


  1. Apparently there was not "enough of a market" (to put it in business speak).."we could not sell enough units of product"...

    I have found blank greeting cards work best, people appreciate your words much more.

  2. If that's so, then I misunderstood. The way I understood it, the cards were being pulled because of self appointed "moralists" protesting their existence on the shelf.

  3. Hadn't heard about this. I've never run across these greeting cards in our Hallmark's here. Low sales could be due to not enough stock! I can see the moral code playing out in some of our stores here, sadly.

  4. Due to cell phones serving messages now a days greeting cards had lost its importance or we can say that greeting through cards is vanishing.


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