Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mo Rocca is an absolute freaking genius

Well, not really, but he just made a crosscut of two references that made me smile.

On "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me", he was told about a story from a Chinese school that was encouraging its students to blow off steam by punching dummies with their teacher's faces on them.

Mo's response?

....wait for it.....

"The Joy Fight Club".

Gosh, that's clever. I could have thought for a month and never come up with it.


  1. lol! Thanks for sharing this. It's a keeper.

  2. I love that show. I am not a big Mo Rocca fan, except on Wait, Wait. Isn't that weird?

  3. I feel the same way, strangely enough. Visually, he's a little disturbing.


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