Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Dan Carlin Depresses Me All Over Again

There's a classic moment on one of Bill Hicks' albums where he is talking about the LA Riots, and he describes a prototypical NRA member saying, "Ha-HA! Here comes the mob, and you-no gun." Hicks describes his response as, "Well, first of all, I'd try to figure out exactly what it is about me that keeps attracting mobs. That's how I'd work the problem."

Dan Carlin, on his latest "Common Sense" show, asks a similar question about US foreign policy. It's an obvious, common sense question, and it's a question that reminds me of the famous "God Damn America" speech by Reverend Jeremiah Wright that surfaced during the 2008 Presidential campaign. The question is twofold-what is it about the US (and not, say, Japan or Germany) that makes us such a desirable target for terrorists, and secondly, are we willing to trade the lives, dollars, and reduced quality of life necessary to continue to fight the war on terror in order to maintain what it is that makes us such a good target?

I don't know the answer either, but it makes you think.

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