Friday, January 21, 2011

100 Word Challenge: Dancing Days (NSFW)

Velvet Verbosity's 100 Word Challenge was almost entirely not responsible for the Jets' victory over the Patriots last week. The word this week is "credentials", and my story is called "Dancing Days".

I'm going to call this one NSFW, though it really isn't. At best, it contains an "adult situation". Whatever that means.

Consider yourself warned.

She presented herself to him shyly, showing him what one should only show a lover or a doctor, like she was showing her invitation to a fancy dress ball. She folded away the tiny triangles of fabric with delicate, precise care, then stood up. The bass pounded through the walls of the tiny room. He knew she wasn't here entirely willingly, and he knew the twenties she had folded away would not pay for textbooks. He suspected no one had treated her kindly in her short life.

He knew all that was true.

Then again, he didn't leave.


  1. then again, he didn't leave

    great imagery here - thanks!

  2. makes you want to read more!

  3. The twenties wouldn't pay for textbooks...HA!

    The cynicism and imagery make it seem like I'm reading 1000 words. So much going on here. Good work, Micheal.

  4. There's a lot going on in this scene left unsaid, but still 'seen.' Nicely done.

  5. A good example of what some people will do...or have to make their way through school. Or life.

  6. You did a great job setting the stage and letting us fill in the blanks!

  7. Oh, and I do not want to discuss the Jets victory over the Patriots. Gah.


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