Sunday, October 13, 2013

TWC: "Midnight Rambler"

(My friends over at the Trifecta Writing Challenge, who unfortunately put the rent money on Papa's Mustache in the third to complete a quinella and lost it all, present all of Greater Blogistan with a challenge to compose 33 words inspired by the sublime "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones. My contribution, called "Midnight Rambler", follows. )

She watched him, thinking about sin. He washed his hands.

"If you leave, it seals my fate," she said. She was no saint.

"I can't do this alone," she said.

Then he left.


  1. Oh.. the devil works in devious ways...

  2. If he left after hearing that, he wasn't worth it anyway.

  3. Like it - washing his hands literally and metaphorically. Works well. Thanks for linking up!


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