Saturday, December 26, 2009

Oh, and this?

Oh, and this?

I thought we were fighting them over there so we wouldn't have to fight them over here. I thought war and killing was supposed to make us safer. I thought we were going through all this to make our world a better place. That was what all this was about, right? We're going to make the world safe for democracy, isn't that it?

War never makes anything better.

1 comment:

  1. Well, there's far fewer guys like that

    "War never makes anything better."

    Except when it does. Many obvious examples of that, starting with the military action (war) against the Axis powers that ended WW2. I for one am glad that Japan is a venerable democracy, thanks to the actions of those who were forced to "bomb it into democracy" by Japan's unrelenting aggression.

    And also thanks to the boots on the ground, tanks, bombs and bullets of the allies, there is not a Nazi Germany sitting astride Europe today. I think that's a good thing. And no flowers in the barrels of the Wehrmach'ts guns would have stopped one thing.


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