Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Seek and Destroy

Now listening: Metallica, "Seek and Destroy"(Live)

"We're succeeding. I don't care what anybody says. I've seen the facts on the ground," the Arizona senator insisted a day after a roadside bomb in Baghdad killed four U.S. soldiers and rockets pounded the U.S.-protected Green Zone there, and a wave of attacks left at least 61 Iraqis dead nationwide. The events transpired as bin Laden called on the people of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to "help in support of their mujahedeen brothers in Iraq, which is the greatest opportunity and the biggest task."


"I don't care what anybody says." "I've seen the facts on the ground."

Really, Senator McCain?

Do we really need another President who doesn't care what anybody says?


  1. Amen! How can people be so blind to the similarities? Yet I encounter it everyday.

  2. True enough.

    I hope, probably in vain, that he's just playing to the crowd, and if he is elected, his intelligence, which he has displayed in the past, would shine through.

    But I doubt it.

  3. And seriously, almost anything else would be better. If he said, "Petraeus said..." or "Corporal Y told me things are better than they seem..." or something, it wouldn't be quite so horrifying.

    I'm currently reading "Almost A Miracle" about the Revolutionary War, and it strikes me that Republican voters reward the same kind of bloodymindedness that doomed the British Empire. "Don't tell me what the facts are, just tell me we're going to win." Republicans seem to give their leaders points for defying reality.

    Continuing to do the same wrong thing is not consistency, it's insanity.

  4. I agree that being mislead is definitely more forgiving than being a bad leader. The blanket statements scare me because they feel blind. They are the "because I told you so" statements that to me, say I'm not dealing with you and your thoughts (usually because someone is five). That's not the case here. I have just been so frustrated, and I say this a lot, the fact that after the past 8 years, people are still talking about Bill Clinton and the MOnica thing tells me exactly how scared I need to be of the voters in this country. To me, Bill Clinton seems like a foggy dream.

  5. I get that feeling very much from C Plus Augustus (h/t Charles P.Pierce for that one.) Bush adopts this smartass, "I'm so superior to you I'm going to talk really slow to make sure you get it" tone that makes me want to punch him in the face.


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