Friday, August 29, 2008

Attack of the Hairy Rosanna (Game 134)

This thumb drive has been through at least two laundry cycles, and yet the data still remains. Any errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, are entirely my own, and not the result of getting Clorox in between the ones and zeroes.

I love technology.

Note to self: Remove drive from pants before going to sleep tonight, dummy.

Something interesting, believe it or not, has been happening on this blog. Someone, or something, named Rose, has obtained a google account and has begun commenting on a number of posts. The comments are, shall we say, odd-not entirely coherent. I thought that the whole comment verification thingy was supposed to prevent bots from leaving comments, but I would not be surprised if those crafty botmasters have found a way around that.

So, Rose, if you are a real person who finds my mixture of socialist rambling, useless whining, and constant Red Sox chatter interesting, you and your obviously vague grasp of English are welcome here. I can think of several hundred blogs that you would be better off reading instead of mine, but, like I said-I’ll take all the readers I can get. However, if you are, in fact, looking for Hairy Rosanna, that’s not here-that’s Throwaway.

And, Rose, if you are, in fact, a bot, I guess you’re welcome here, too. I don’t discriminate against digital forms of life.

Like many adults, I do have parts of my body that I would like to change the shape of, but, no, I would not like to give you my credit card number so you can send me herbal capsules full of moss and purified rainwater. I do have the need to make $5000 a month working part time, but I will not give you my credit card number so you can explain to me how I can get rich investing in real estate or selling fruit juice door to door. I do like to look at naked women, but the naked woman who shares my bed kind of prefers that I restrict my viewing of nakedness to hers, so I will not give you my credit card so that you can give me passwords to dozens of red hot porn sites. So thanks, but no thanks, Rose-whatever you’re selling, I’m not interested.

I dropped $250 or so on new brakes today, so I’m feeling a little lighter in the wallet, but while I was waiting and listening to old episodes of “Never Not Funny” and trying to ignore “Regis And Kelly”, “Rachael Ray”, and “The View”, ABC broke in with the news that McCain’s VP pick is somewhat of a dark horse, the woman from Alaska, Sarah Palin. I have not had a chance to read anything in depth about her yet, though I am sure there will be gallons of text to read by the time I get home tonight.

I was not interested enough to stop listening to Never Not Funny, at least not interested enough to listen to Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos talk about her, because I am convinced at least half of what they said would be either unfair, out of context, wrong, or all three. I do know that, similar to New Jersey, it seems that everyone in Alaskan state government, including the person who empties the trash at the end of the day, is hopelessly corrupt. I think I also read somewhere that she has a passel of kids-like enough to fill out a basketball team. This tells me a couple of things-she’s fertile, for one thing, and she’s more emotionally stable and organized than me, for another.

I’m pretty confident I will not learn anything about Sarah Palin that will cause me to vote for McCain. However charming and lovely a person she may be, I don’t think she will overcome the grave disagreements I have with John McCain’s policy positions. My son, who is a tween, asked me recently why I support Obama. I told him that, among other things, that I think a John McCain presidency dramatically increases the likelihood that he will be exposed to a military draft and forced to fight and die in a foreign land.

According to my phone, which still doesn’t believe in the Internet, Josh Beckett is going onto the DL, as is Sean Casey. Obviously, the Beckett loss is greater. If we can get a healthy, rested Becks back for the postseason, so much the better. It will be harder to win without him, because although he isn’t himself this year, there is a bit of an intimidation factor going on because of his 2007 greatness. I think we can win without him, but it won’t be any easier.

In Boston, Dice K shut out the White Sox 8-0. A Tampa win leaves the division lead at 4 1/2 for the Rays, and if Minnesota can hang on to a 8-2 lead, the wild card lead for Boston will remain at 2 1/2 games.

1 comment:

  1. DMarks- Dude! Not even a giggle for the Hairy Rosanna line?


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