Monday, September 22, 2008

Not sure how I feel about this...

Apparently the author of the Artemis Fowl books has been given permission to write another book in the "increasingly inaccurately named Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy". That's how the cover of the fifth book in the trilogy, "Mostly Harmless", put it.

Like many, I LOVED the Hitchhiker's Guide books. They were social satire, science fiction, comedy-like many of the best science fiction, you couldn't enjoy them if you HATE science fiction, but if you at least tolerated it, you could read them just fine.

Adams also wrote about Dirk Gently and his Holistic Detective Agency, a series that was also gone too soon along with its author.

I have to admit, as big an Adams fan as I am, I don't think he ever recaptured the magic of the first few books. Maybe you never can-maybe that's the curse of "The Stranger" or "Born To Run" or "The Joshua Tree"-what you have done is so epochal, so transforming, that nothing you or anyone else can do can help but be viewed in its shadow.

So I don't know if I even want Adams to continue it, really. But since he can't, I guess this person is going to have a go. I'll read it, and maybe it will be great. Who knows.

In Atari Bigby news, GB safety Atari Bigby did not play in Sunday's loss to the Packers, leaving his season totals at 4 tackles and one interception for the 2008 season. Longtime readers will note that Atari Bigby is the OFPWAFNOTB (Official Football Player With A Funny Name Of This Blog).


  1. Love your blog! Love Paul Simon. Not such a football fan, but that's my problem!

  2. That's not a problem-some people would call it an asset.


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