Saturday, January 24, 2009

Overreaction Theatre

The fine folks over at Baseball Prospectus ( have finally confirmed that their 2009 Baseball Annual is done and should reach stores by Valentine's Day. The announcement comes along with the news that Keith Olbermann will be writing the forward, which sent several commenters on the site into a tizzy.

Keith Olbermann has been a SABR member for many years, and has written forwards and blurbs for numerous baseball books over the years. He currently is employed by NBC on "Sunday Night Football" and on MSNBC on "Countdown".

Apparently the fact that Olbermann's work on "Countdown" is political has set some readers over the edge. I have trouble grasping that. Really? You're going to get all hot and bothered over a FORWARD?

Now, I'm an Olbermann fan, so maybe I'm not the one to judge. But the Forward of a 700 page book of statistics and analysis? THAT's what you're angry about? Sheesh.

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