Wednesday, May 27, 2009


A missing Ohio man was found unconscious after 11 hours of searching.

The search was delayed because....

"Williams [Sherriff Dale Williams] said he attempted to use the man’s cell phone signal to locate him, but the man was behind on his phone bill and the Verizon operator refused to connect the signal unless the sheriff’s department agreed to pay the overdue bill."

And big business wonders why they have a bad name?


  1. ahhahahahaha! Dude's thinking,"They'll never find me! I didn't pay my phone bill! Why?!?!?!?!"

  2. Can't they charge Verizon with obstruction? Or some sort of endangerment?

    What are people thinking? Geez! I'm glad they found him alive.

  3. Wonder how long until that operator is fired.

  4. Completely unrelated, I was going down your blogroll and decided to read The Bloggess. Oh. My. God. She is freaking hilarious! I love her! Thank you for putting her blog up. I've been reading it out loud to my receptionist and laughing my ass off!

  5. Um...I'm just going to go make sure my bills are all paid now.

  6. If the government ran things, the cops would have needed forms signed in triplicate, then buried in soft peat for three months and dug up before they'd be able to locate you, whether you had paid or not! :)

    Just kidding!

  7. There's a moron around every corner it seems.


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