Wednesday, October 07, 2009

People Smarter Than Me, Part MCMLXXVI

Penelope, who knows more about blogging than me, argues that blogs without focus are a waste of time.

So I ask you, dear readers-do I lack focus? Do I need focus? Am I a waste of your time? And, if so, why are you bothering to comment?

(Wait-that's a contradiction, isn't it?)


  1. I have never felt that I have wasted a second here.

    I suppose it depends on what you consider to be a vocus and how you feel about how precious your time might be.

    I have a multitude of reason for reading a blog... getting information, gathering opinions to weigh against my own (food for thought), giving my opinon to those willing to hear it, entertainment, humor and curiosity. Even a sense of belonging to a group. I find these things here. I am happy.

  2. Michael, my friend, I hardly find you or your blog a waste of my time. Heck, my own "blog" is nothing but rants and drivel, but I enjoy occasionally putting stuff out there. It lets me blow off steam about some political issues, get my weekly football picks out there and give general sports opinions. I don't really care if anyone reads it or not. It's really just me being me.

    I just thought of a new term (maybe it's not so new, but I've never heard it), Blog-O-Snob. These are the bloggers who think they should be professional writers (and some are) and they think the rest of us should go away. Well, nobody is forcing them to read our stuff.

  3. Once again I must say... I agree wholeheartedly with Paulie Beernuts.
    Who needs Blog-O-Snobs!

    *excuse my spelling error... focus, not vocus. Sheesh.

  4. Thank you both, even with speeling errors.


  5. The best blogs are "rants and drivel".


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