Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday 160: "In Search Of"

Monkey Man's Sunday 160 Challenge happens today. Because it's, y'know, Sunday. A story in 160 characters-no more, no less, called "In Search Of" and dedicated to Wyatt Christopher Couchoud's older, savvier, and more train-oriented brother, Simon.

“Where's Goldbug on this page?”, he asks hopefully.
My nephew,tiny dirty feet and eager eyes searching the same book
that others read to me.
The search goes on.


  1. I love the passing of a "literary" tradition from generation to generation. Nice 160. Have a great Sunday.

  2. The mark of a good book is one that gets handed down through the generations.

  3. What memories flood my mind with this post - Thank you. Great 160.

  4. nice 160. i think it is majorly important to read to your little ones...and i have passed a few books on to my boys that were favs of mine at their age....

  5. So nice! Children do so love if someone reads to them. My kids new whole passages by heart - I had to read over and over...nice 160

  6. Really great 160. Reminds me of my kids' favorite Golden Book that still sits on the shelf "The Large and Growly Bear".

  7. Nice! I have a book that I used to read like that with my daughter. Isn't goldbug Richard Scarry? Or am I wrong?

    Here's mine:

  8. It's been a while since I did anything like that. For us it was Waldo.

  9. Aww... some series and books are timeless!
    Sweet 160..
    Happy Sunday!

  10. Indeed, Richard Scarry's "Cars and Trucks and Things That Go". Not quite up to reading the story yet, but we're getting good at spotting that Goldbug!

    Thanks for reading.

  11. very elegant 160.
    it reminds us the importance of literature.

  12. Very nice 160. You have such a way with words, even with only 160 characters to work with.


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