Wednesday, September 08, 2010

100 Words: No Small Parts

It's 100 Word Challenge Time, and here's this week's entry, "No Small Parts"

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” I said.

Marcellus?, I was thinking. 37 lines? I’ve done Othello! I was an understudy, but still! And they have me do MARCELLUS?

I had dreams. I didn’t want to end up doing Shakespeare for yokels in the sticks. And not even the good parts. I’m better than this part, this lousy summer stock life, this stupid two bit town.

What happened to me? To the person I thought I was?

He was waiting for me, having already given me my cue.

“Nay, let’s follow him,” I said.


  1. Ah dreams. Reached or thwarted, we all have them.

  2. I hate that feeling. I have it often! That "I should be so much more than this..." feeling.

  3. The tarnish of dreams. Wonderfully written.

  4. Interesting direction for the prompt - I like it! Ah dreams... they are so hard to live up to!

  5. We all aspire to be greater than we are. :)


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