Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Little Bit Special

After another special Dan Carlin's Hardcore History about American Indians, really the only fair treatment of the issue I've ever heard, I heard a brilliant Studio 360 about autism. I don't really know anything about the topic, but given the autistic inability to deal with multiple sources of sensory input, I feel a little bit autistic.

The notion was also raised that autism is the next step in human evolution-and given the multiplicity of types of input we have these days, I can easily imagine that being true.


  1. I'll tell you that it's not an overblown idea. I have often thought the more overrun we become the less capable we are socially. Senses overloaded, we barely see who is in front of us, much less react to them. It's an interesting concept. Although not a real happy one. I have a friend who has a son who is autistic. It's been interesting to see him grow up.

  2. Perhaps the only reality that starts to matter is the one inside our heads, the one only we can control?


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