Monday, February 09, 2009


Peter Segal, of NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me", has started a meme on Twitter, everyone's favorite microblogging service, called the twitternovel. Summarize a novel in less than 140 characters.

For example:

(from @claire8177) A Telltale Heart: Really? You heard screaming? Huh. Thump. Thump. Thump! THUMP. THUMP! Ok, he's under the floorboards

(from @tonamel) 1984: I hate my job. I hate my friends. I hate the government....I love EVERYTHING. x_x

(from @terrysimpson) The Sun Also Rises: Lost generations seek comfort in booze and bulls. War doesn't mix with genitals


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I apologize for making you sign in, but I'm trying to cut down on spam.