Sunday, August 02, 2009

It's Kevin Smith's Birthday!

It's American film director Kevin Smith's birthday today. I'm a huge fan of his movies. I know he can be somewhat of an acquired taste-you have to have a tolerance for some potty mouthed dialogue-but his movies really do have some funny moments in them. This is a particular favorite, a clip from his directorial debut, "Clerks", which he made himself. Fortunately for him, it was a hit at the Cannes film festival and sent him on his way.

Happy Birthday, Kevin Smith.


  1. It's my birthday too! Happy Birthday, Katie!

    ..... no? No takers? Damn, I must say it too much.

  2. It's a K birthday kind of day... Happy Birthday Kevin and Katie!

    My favorite of Kevin's movies is Dogma. He's very big at our house.


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