Friday, June 18, 2010

It's Friday, So That Means....

Tomorrow is Saturday.

It also means it's time for the Friday 55, a story told in exactly 55 words, hosted by Mr. Knowitall over here.

Here's mine, with a theme that should be obvious, given the events of last night. It's called "One More".

I stare at the floor. I can hear, and feel, the rocking sounds of joy through the walls. I ache everywhere. I want to cry, but I'm too tired even for that. Could I have done more? One more shot made? Steal grabbed? Rebound corralled? I know I may never have another shot. One more.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This was one series where I was hoping both teams would lose. Great 55. My 55 is HERE .

  3. I deleted...did not realize this was the ending of a series. MY BAD!

    Now I have to go back all the Fridays and catch the meaning of the story. But it will be worth it.

    Here is MINE

  4. Don't let the what-if's eat you alive. There's always next season. Hopefully.

  5. like eminem says..."you only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. this opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo..."...but then again, there is next year. smiles.

    nice 55. mine is up!

  6. You must be talking basketball...
    I'm glad that you enjoyed the game.
    Excellent 55 Michael...
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...Galen

  7. Many a world cup hopeful will be thinking similar thoughts - but that's another story.


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